Views and Displays

The previous section introduced the Overview Display as an example of the different kinds of displays that Klusters uses to present the data. More generally, displays are combinations of one or more individual views showing the same subset of the data, and appear as separate tabs in the main window. Using several displays at once can be useful to examine different subsets of the data in parallel.

Five kinds of views are available:

Klusters provides several predefined types of single-view and multiple-view displays, listed in the Displays menu. Multiple-view displays include:

In addition to the predefined displays, Klusters enables you to dynamically compose your own custom displays. You can modify the content of a display by adding or removing views. To add a view, click the right button in one of the views. This will bring up the Add a View popup menu and allow you to select the type of view to add. The new view will be added just bellow the view where you clicked. To remove a view, simply click on the cross at the top right corner of the view.

Besides, individual views can be moved around inside the display: click on the top bar of the view, then while still holding the mouse button, drag the view to its new location (indicated as an outline) and release the mouse.

Although these functionalities provide for a lot of flexibility, there are still two limitations on what you can do within a single display:

After you have modified the contents of a display to fit your needs, you may wish to change its title (the label of the tab) to reflect your changes. Select Displays->Rename Active Display (Ctrl-R). This will bring up a dialog where you can type the new title for the currently active display.

Multiple Projections

The views are further described in the following sections.